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GOD's Way To Health



      As a Christian God has turned me around spiritually, emotionally, and physically. God has given me an assignment to reach other Christians and people from all walks of life about living a healthy life. It grieves my heart to know the road ahead for some people. Even though a person had all kinds of faith in God, pray to God and even after much pleading with God, many Christians continue to be sick. Then they got sicker and sicker and often they died a very premature death. When I was told that I had sarcoidosis I didn't know a thing about nutrition and very little about the beautiful, self- healing body God had given me. So with some research and something as simply as changing my diet and lifestyle, I immediately started to get well. With us God made a marvelous body! He made it in such a way, that if properly nourished it would never get sick. But even if it did get sick God program self-healing into the body so that if the offensive wrong foods or drugs which had caused the problem was stopped and proper building materials nutrition were provided, the body would heal itself!  It is also very simple let's look at how we treat sickness in this modern and so called enlightened day in which we live: those who believe in God will usually pray first… Then quickly run to the doctor. The doctor will ask what the symptoms are, then prescribe a drug that according to their training is supposed to relieve those particular symptoms. But how many, church people  do each one of us know who went this route only to find their health continuing to deteriorate? Often they died. Where was God? Many people have gone the vitamin, herbal, mineral, proteins supplement route with similar results.


     Something that really disturbed me was when I realize that almost half of all Americans die of heart attacks and strokes and that the percentage of Christians and non-Christians that die of heart attacks and strokes was identical! Some 30% of the American population develops cancer and the percentage is the same within the Christian community. We could go on into all other physical problems that plague our country today, and find that the percentages of Americans who are experiencing diabetes, arthritis, asthma, officers, migraines, digests two of disorders, obesity, allergies, mental illness, bad teeth, etc…. Is the same within the Christian community as it is outside the Christian community. Where is God? Let me begin to answer that question by stating again that God made a marvelous body! He did not make any mistakes and he didn't make any junk, nor is he the one to blame when we get sick. It seems that Christians have been program into thinking that God is controlling everything… Including a person's health, and that the individual has no control. But nothing could be further from the truth. God gave each one of us a fabulous body but then he turned that body over to each one of us and told us to be good caretakers of that body. What, know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost… Therefore glorify God in your body…. (1 Corinthians 6: 19-20) and again if any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy… (1Corinthians 3: 16). Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man sow that shall he also reaps. (Galatians 6:7).



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